Construction process control of alumina magnesia carbon bricks for ladle

2022-08-16 18:37:56

Construction process control of alumina magnesia carbon bricks for ladle

Alumina magnesia carbon bricks is one of the linings commonly used in ladle at present. During the masonry process of ladle lining, the following construction techniques should be followed:


1. Construction sequence

Permanent layer pouring on the wall → pouring the permanent layer on the bottom → place the nozzle block bricks → masonry with breathable bricks and aluminum-magnesium-carbon bricks on the bottom → fill the gap with corundum cement → build the aluminum-magnesium-carbon bricks on the wall and build the slag line magnesium carbon Brick masonry → Baokou aluminum-magnesium castable masonry → curing → baking.


2. Masonry construction of alumina magnesia carbon bricks

1) Wet masonry with aluminum-magnesium fire mud, the masonry mud should not be too thin, the mud between the brick joints should be full, and the brick joints should be less than 1mm.

2) Each layer of bricks should be built evenly, and the brick joints between layers must be staggered. In masonry, the principles of solid backing, tight joints, and closed arcs should be followed, and the joints between the upper and lower layers should be staggered.

3) The size of the cutting door brick is not less than 50mm, and the door closing part avoids the trunnion position. The closing positions between the layers are staggered by more than 200mm.


3. The construction process of the bottom masonry

1) The ventilation bricks and the nozzle seat bricks must be placed flat and in the correct position.

2) After the nozzle seat bricks and ventilation bricks are in place, the gaps between the surrounding bricks and the bottom-clad bricks should be filled with corundum cementitious material.


4. Pouring construction requirements

1) Check the construction equipment (mixer, water supply, vibrating rod, etc.);

2) Turn on the mixer, add the mixture, dry mix for 1 minute, add 2/3 of the water, slowly add the remaining water, and wet mix for 3 to 5 minutes before discharging;

3) Vibrate with a vibrating rod after each casting and grinding, and require the castable to be fully exhausted.

4) Continuity must be maintained before and after the pouring construction, and the stoppage time during the process shall not exceed 20 minutes.


5. Construction requirements for excavation and repair of the bottom of the package

1) Remove the block and its surrounding cementitious materials and clean them up;

2) Hang the new ventilation bricks and seat bricks into the placement position;

3) Fill the gaps between the breathable bricks, the nozzle block bricks and the aluminum-magnesium-carbon bricks at the bottom with corundum cement;

Company: Henan Hongtai Kiln Refractory Co., Ltd.
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