Anti-stripping high alumina bricks are made of high alumina bauxite clinker, mullite, kyanite, zircon sand, and binder after granulating and powdering processes, mixed in a certain proportion, pressed into shape, and fired at high temperature. Products with better anti-peeling properties. According to physical and chemical indicators, it is divided into two grades: GKBL-70 and KBL-70. Mainly used in cement rotary kiln, decomposition furnace, lime rotary kiln, nickel-iron rotary kiln and other kilns.
Anti-stripping high alumina bricks are fired products made of super high alumina bauxite clinker and ZrO2-containing synthetic materials, which are made by high pressure molding according to a certain proportion. The corrosion resistance of sodium, sulfur, chlorine and alkaline salts, low thermal conductivity and other properties are ideal materials for the transition zone and decomposition zone of cement kilns. The notable features of the product are good thermal shock resistance and strong environmental adaptability. It is mostly used in rotating preheating belts or in decomposition furnaces and grate coolers.
Performance advantages:
1. Reduce the temperature of the cylinder by more than 50 °C to ensure the safe operation of thermal equipment and reduce the phenomenon of red kiln.
2. Improve the heat utilization efficiency of the rotary kiln, reduce the energy consumption by more than 5%, and improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
3. The overall performance is good, the effective use volume is larger than that of composite products, and the anti-wear cycle is long.
4. When the product is worn to half, the composite product will be unusable, while the heat-insulating silicon corundum brick can stick to the remaining one-third.
The use of anti-stripping high-alumina bricks
It is widely used in my country's new dry kiln, Li Boer kiln and wet kiln. The parts used include kiln door cover, rising flue, cooling belt, safety belt, transition belt, rear wall and side wall of cooler, and curved beam roof.
The application of anti-stripping high alumina bricks in cement kilns is the rear wall and side wall of the caster cooler, the transition zone and the vicinity of the transition zone, the cooling zone, the decomposition zone, the kiln door cover, and the kiln mouth.
The application of anti-stripping high alumina bricks in the precalcining kiln system The decomposition furnace, smoke chamber and other parts extend backward from the end of the transition zone to the end of the kiln, according to the production characteristics of various kilns, until the alkali-resistant thermal insulation bricks cannot withstand All parts are built with peeling high-alumina bricks.
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High alumina bricks commonly used in industrial kilns