The degree of density and composition of refractory bricks will affect its quality and heat capacity. The test results of the Silica Checker Bricks after the hot blast stove are used:
(1) The pore rate of Silica Checker Bricks is 18%, and the volume density is 1.88 ~ 1.90g/cm3.
(2) The chemical composition ofSilica Checker Bricks has not changed significantly. The silicon oxide content is 95.29%, the AL2O3 content increases to 2.83%(mass score), and the CAO content is basically the level of raw fire tiles (1.43%(mass score)) , Other impurities are very low;
(3) In addition to the transformation of the epidermis of the silicon brick to the square quartz, the rest consisting of scales and a small amount of silicate;
(4) No deformation such as Silica Checker Bricks after use is not found. From this, it can be seen that the quality and thermal capacity of the quality of lattice silicon bricks of the hot blast stove will not change significantly. Essence
The thermal expansion measurement value of the raw fire-resistant brick (1000 ° C) is 1.32%; the line expansion coefficient is 13.5 × 10-6/℃, which is far higher than the expansion rate of the waste fire-resistant brick after use is 1.04%and the line expansion coefficient is 10.6 × 10 -6/℃, this result shows that the volume stability of the Silica Checker Bricks after use has improved. Because the original quartz and sub -stable quartz in the original fire tiles have all been converted into Setting quartz, the comprehensive sample of grid bricks and the SiO2 content of the white surface layer is similar, and the number of Al2O3 is significantly increased: FE2O3 and K2O are relatively decreased.
Application of high-aluminum refractories in high-temperature industries
Classification of refractory properties and their application areas
High alumina bricks commonly used in industrial kilns